In RevOps, you're no stranger to data-driven decision-making. You analyze metrics, forecast trends, and optimize processes daily. But when it comes to your own career, do you have the data you need?

In an increasingly global business landscape, understanding how RevOps compensation varies worldwide isn't just interesting—it's essential. Whether you're considering an international move, benchmarking your team's salaries, or simply curious about the state of your field, having a clear picture of global RevOps compensation trends can be invaluable.

That's where our recent comprehensive salary survey comes in. We've gathered data from RevOps professionals across the globe to bring you insights into how your roles are valued in different regions. 

In this article, we'll break down the data, explore the factors influencing regional differences, and look at what the future might hold for RevOps salaries worldwide. 

So, let's dive in.

The big picture

Before we delve into the specifics of each region, let's take a bird's-eye view of the global RevOps salary landscape. Our survey uncovered significant differences in RevOps salaries across the globe:

At first glance, these numbers might seem to tell a simple story: North America pays the most, followed by Europe, with the rest of the world lagging. 

However, as we'll explore throughout this article, there's much more to consider than just these raw figures. Factors such as cost of living, market maturity, and the distribution of senior roles all play crucial parts in painting a more complete picture.

North America

It's clear from our data that North America leads the pack when it comes to RevOps salaries. This isn't particularly surprising, given that the RevOps function originated and matured fastest in this region. 

Many of the world's largest tech companies, which were early adopters of the RevOps model, are based in North America, particularly in hubs like Silicon Valley, New York, and Boston.

Let's break down the average salaries by job title in North America:

These figures demonstrate a clear progression in salary as professionals move up the RevOps career ladder. It's worth noting the significant jump in compensation at the executive level, with Chief Revenue Officers commanding salaries well above other RevOps roles.

However, it's crucial to consider these numbers in context. North America also has a higher cost of living index at 70.2, which partially explains the higher salaries in this region. 

Cities like San Francisco, New York, and Toronto, which are home to many RevOps jobs, are known for their high living costs. This means that while the raw numbers are higher, the purchasing power of these salaries may not be as dramatically different from other regions as it first appears.

Another factor contributing to North America's high salaries is the maturity of the RevOps function in this region. With a longer history and more established best practices, North American companies often seek highly experienced RevOps professionals, driving up demand and, consequently, salaries.


While North America may be the current leader in RevOps salaries, Europe is quickly emerging as a significant market for RevOps professionals. Our survey reveals that while salaries are generally lower than in North America, they're still competitive, especially when you consider Europe's lower average cost of living index of 54.6.

Here's the breakdown of average salaries by job title in Europe:

It's interesting to note that while the salaries are indeed lower than their North American counterparts, the gap narrows at the higher levels of the RevOps career ladder. 

This narrowing gap at senior levels could be attributed to the increasing recognition of RevOps as a critical function among European businesses. As more companies in the region adopt the RevOps model, the demand for experienced professionals to lead these initiatives is growing, driving up salaries for senior roles.

It's also worth considering the diversity within Europe itself. While our survey provides an average for the region, salaries can vary significantly between countries and even cities. Tech hubs like London, Berlin, and Amsterdam may offer salaries closer to North American levels, while other areas might pay less but offer a lower cost of living.

The lower cost of living index in Europe (54.6 compared to North America's 70.2) is a crucial factor to consider. This means that while the raw salary numbers are lower, the purchasing power of these salaries may be closer to their North American equivalents than it first appears. RevOps professionals in Europe might find that their salaries go further in terms of housing, food, and other living expenses.

Rest of the world

Our "Rest of world" category, which includes regions like Africa, Asia, and Oceania, shows lower average salaries at $69,072.15. This figure likely reflects the fact that RevOps is still an emerging function in many of these regions. 

However, it's crucial to approach this number with nuance, as it covers a vast and diverse area with significant variations in economic conditions and RevOps adoption.

The average cost of living index for this category is 47.4, significantly lower than North America or Europe. However, this average masks considerable variations within the category:

These variations highlight the importance of considering local context when interpreting salary data. For instance, while the average salary might seem low compared to North America or Europe, in many parts of Africa or Asia, it could represent a very comfortable living wage due to the lower cost of living.

It's also worth noting that the RevOps function is at different stages of adoption across these regions. In some areas, particularly in tech hubs in Asia and Oceania, RevOps is gaining traction rapidly, and we might expect to see salaries in these areas increase more quickly in the coming years.

The lower average salary in this category might also reflect a different distribution of RevOps roles compared to North America and Europe. There may be fewer senior RevOps positions in these regions currently, which would bring down the average salary. As the RevOps function matures in these areas, we might expect to see more senior roles emerge and, consequently, higher average salaries

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Factors influencing regional salary differences

While the raw salary numbers provide a useful starting point, it's crucial to understand the various factors that contribute to these regional differences. By considering these elements, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of the global RevOps salary landscape.

1. Market maturity

The maturity of the RevOps function in a particular region plays a significant role in determining salary levels. In North America, where RevOps has been established longer and is more widely adopted, there's a greater demand for experienced professionals. This demand drives up salaries, particularly for senior roles.

In Europe and other parts of the world where RevOps is still gaining traction, salaries may be lower due to less competition for talent. However, as these markets mature and more companies recognize the value of RevOps, we can expect to see salaries increase.

2. Cost of living

As we've discussed throughout this article, the cost of living is a crucial factor in understanding the true value of salaries across different regions. While North American salaries are higher in absolute terms, the higher cost of living means that these salaries don't necessarily translate to a proportionally higher standard of living.

Europe's lower cost of living means that while salaries are lower on paper, RevOps professionals in this region might enjoy a similar or even better quality of life compared to their North American counterparts.

The even lower cost of living index in many parts of the “Rest of world” category means that the lower salaries in these regions still provide a comfortable living, depending on the specific location.

3. Distribution of senior roles

Our data suggests that there are more senior RevOps professionals in North America and Europe than in other regions. This concentration of senior roles, which typically command higher salaries, contributes to the higher average salaries in these regions.

As RevOps becomes more established in other parts of the world, we might expect to see more senior roles emerge, potentially leading to an increase in average salaries.

4. Cultural factors

Different regions may have different attitudes towards work, compensation, and benefits. For example, some cultures might place a higher value on work-life balance or non-monetary benefits, which could impact salary levels.

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Future outlook

As we look to the future, several trends are likely to shape the global RevOps salary landscape:

Global expansion of RevOps

As RevOps continues to gain traction globally, we expect to see a more balanced distribution of experience and salaries across regions. Emerging markets may see faster salary growth as demand for RevOps expertise increases.

Remote work

The rise of remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, may begin to blur geographical salary distinctions. Companies might increasingly hire RevOps talent globally, potentially leading to some equalization of salaries across regions.

Skill development

As the RevOps function evolves, new skills and specializations are likely to emerge. Professionals who develop expertise in high-demand areas may command premium salaries, regardless of their location.

Technology adoption

The increasing adoption of AI and automation in RevOps may impact job roles and, consequently, salaries. While some tasks may be automated, the need for strategic thinking and cross-functional leadership in RevOps is likely to grow, potentially driving up salaries for senior roles.

Economic shifts

Global economic trends, including potential recessions or periods of growth, will inevitably impact RevOps salaries. Regions experiencing economic booms may see faster salary growth in the RevOps sector.


The global RevOps salary landscape is complex and multifaceted. While clear regional differences exist, with North America currently leading in terms of raw salary figures, it's crucial to look beyond these numbers to understand the true value of RevOps compensation around the world.

Factors such as cost of living, market maturity, and the distribution of senior roles all play significant parts in shaping the RevOps salary landscape. As a RevOps professional, understanding these trends and factors can help you make informed decisions about your career path and compensation expectations.

As the RevOps field continues to evolve globally, we can expect to see shifts in these salary trends. Emerging markets may see faster salary growth as demand for RevOps expertise increases, while the rise of remote work may begin to equalize salaries across regions.

Remember, these figures represent averages, and individual salaries can vary based on factors like company size, industry, and personal experience. Use this information as a guide, but always consider your unique circumstances and the specific context of your location and role when evaluating RevOps compensation.

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