Revenue Operations (RevOps) has become a crucial aspect of modern business strategy, aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams to drive growth and efficiency. 

The problem? It can be difficult to learn the fundamentals and best practices of the function. That’s where Revenue Operations Certified: Core comes in. 😎 

This comprehensive course offers a solid foundation of revenue operations knowledge to kick-start your career. Learn more about the course.

To help you maximize the value of this course, we’ve outlined seven tips to aid your path to certification:

1. Be intentional with your time 

Success in any learning journey starts with proper time management and Revenue Operations Certified: Core is no different. Let’s discuss a few ways you can be intentional with your learning time…

Assess your schedule and learning style: Everyone’s learning preferences and schedules are different. To start, decide whether you want to complete the course in one intensive session or spread it out over several weeks. 

Block off dedicated time: Once you’ve decided how you plan on taking the course, block that time off in your calendar as you would any other important commitment. This will help you to stay accountable.

Minimize distractions: Choose a quiet environment and turn off notifications during study periods. Constantly switching your attention between tasks and notifications can make it harder to think and process information effectively.

Plus, the beeping sound of notifications has been found to erase the last 90 seconds of learning – so it might be best to mute your Slack notifications for your study block.

Take regular breaks: Whether you’re taking this course in one day or over several weeks, it’s still important to take short breaks to regain energy and focus. So grab a coffee, go on a short walk, or catch up on your notifications every few modules.

Set realistic goals: Break the course into manageable chunks, to aid your productivity. Having a clear goal to achieve during your study blocks will help you stay on track and feel accomplished when you hit your goal. 

Remember, investing time in this course is an investment in your professional development. If you don’t prioritize it, who will?

Psst... we offer team certifications, so you can take our course alongside your colleagues. Interested? Speak to Kyle:

2. Complete the exams right away 

While there’s no rush to complete the exams, there are benefits of taking them sooner rather than later. 

Fresh knowledge retention: The material will be at the forefront of your mind, increasing your chances of success.

Immediate feedback: Quick completion allows you to identify areas that may need further review while the content is still recent.

Keep the ball rolling: Completing exams promptly keeps you engaged and motivated throughout the course.

Practical application: The sooner you complete exams, the quicker you can start applying your new knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Consider scheduling a specific time for exam completion immediately after finishing each relevant section to ensure you don't procrastinate. We promise the exams aren’t that scary!

3. Watch the bonus footage and fireside chats

Our course is packed full of bonus footage to give you a deeper understanding of the subject. While these sessions are optional, these additional resources offer invaluable insights from experts.


  • Real-world applications: Case studies provide context for how RevOps principles are applied in various industries.
  • Expert perspectives: Fireside chats feature industry leaders sharing their experiences and best practices.
  • Networking opportunities: Familiarity with these discussions can provide talking points for networking with other RevOps professionals (such as in our Slack community or in-person at a Revenue Operations Summit).
  • Broader understanding: These materials cover emerging trends and future directions in RevOps, helping you stay ahead of the curve.

Even if you can't watch these immediately, consider scheduling time to revisit them once you complete the course to reinforce and expand your learning.

4. Complete the reflection slides

Active reflection is a powerful learning tool, which is why we’ve included it in our curriculum. By completing these slides, you can:

🧠 Consolidate your knowledge. Articulating your thoughts helps cement new concepts in your memory, and relate it to other concepts within the topic area.

💡 Identify key takeaways to action. Reflection allows you to pinpoint the most relevant information for your specific role or organization that you can share with your team.

🤔 Foster critical thinking. Considering how to apply your learning encourages creative problem-solving, which is a key skill in revenue operations – double win!

🩷 Contribute to your RevOps community. Sharing your reflections can help your fellow learners and contribute to a collaborative learning environment. 

Approach reflection slides as an opportunity for personal growth rather than a chore. Consider keeping a dedicated notebook or digital document for these reflections for easy future reference.

5. Make use of your course pack 

Taking effective notes is key for retaining information, and looking back at your learnings in the future. That’s why we created your course pack as an essential tool for organizing your learning. 

It helps to:

  • Structure your note-taking and keep your notes organized.
  • Plan and keep track of any actions you want to take back to your organization. 
  • Keep a note of any resources in the course you want to look back at – just paste the link. 
  • Track your progress through the course and any areas you want to revisit.
“During the course, I kept track of my thoughts and ideas in the spreadsheet found in the "Action points" section.
“This enabled me to start auditing our team's progress towards establishing the RevOps function in my company. And create a roadmap of actions for the leadership team.”
- Evelina Petrova, Head of Revenue Operations at Adyen.

You can customize the course pack to fit your learning style, whether that means color-coding, adding screenshots, or creating digital mind maps. Whatever works for you!

6. Complete the coursework

More of a hands-on learner, our optional coursework provides practical application of the concepts. 

These resources were designed with your outcomes in mind. Some will require you to complete templates while others will challenge your current processes. All will arm you with knowledge and skills that you can apply to your day job.

Plus, completed coursework can serve as examples of your capabilities if you’re trying to break into a career in RevOps. 

Approach the coursework as an investment in your professional toolkit, seamlessly knitting your theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

“I really appreciate how the content was complemented with templates and frameworks via additional documentation.” - Evelina Petrova, Head of Revenue Operations at Adyen.

Learn more about what Evelina had to say about the course here.

7. Keep referring to the content

You have lifetime access to these resources – so make use of it! 

Regularly revisiting key concepts enhances long-term retention and keeps your revenue operations knowledge sharp. Or revisit specific modules when you’re facing relevant challenges in your role.

You can also access new resources as our course updates to reflect emerging industry trends.

You may want to set calendar reminders to review the course content at regular intervals, such as quarterly or bi-annually. Or you can just drop in when you remember.

Whenever you need revenue operations knowledge, we’ll be there. 🤝

Final thoughts

By following these strategies, you'll not only become revenue operations certified but you’ll have unlocked a world of revenue operations expertise. 

Embrace your learning journey, and transform your understanding of RevOps with Revenue Operations Core: Certified. And don’t forget to share your certification on LinkedIn – we’d love to celebrate with you!