Members-only ROA Revenue Operations Summit New York | OnDemand Catch up on every session from Revenue Operations Summit New York, featuring sessions from dscout, Salesforce, Candid, Wix and more....
Members-only Podcasts Making an impact with QBRs, with Richard De Veer [Video] Richard De Veer joins our host Sandy Robinson to discuss the impact of QBRs in RevOps, enabling sales with data, and more!...
Members-only Revenue operations Revenue Operations Summit, London 2024 | OnDemand Catch up on every session from Revenue Operations Summit London, including sessions from Siemens, TransUnion, Omada and more....
Members-only Building a RevOps function What is a RevOps framework? A complete guide to driving scalable growth Your marketing team just landed a huge lead. Sales and CS are ready to close the deal, but that perfect prospect still slips through the cracks. Sound familiar?...
Members-only Revenue operations The revenue operations role in 2024 Discover the key trends in the role of revenue operations pros. From backgrounds to their responsibilities, we've compiled key findings from our report....
Members-only Revenue operations State of Revenue Operations Report 2024 Discover the latest revenue operations statistics in our reveal-all report for 2024. From team size to budget, all the info you need to plan for 2025....
Members-only Alignment The RevOps pentagon: Aligning with product and technology Discover why RevOps pros should seek alignment with product and technology teams to create a pentagon of business excellence....
Members-only Members-only articles AI-powered efficiency: How to transform your revenue operations Discover how AI boosts organizational efficiency and revenue. Learn practical expert steps to streamline ops and engage customers....
Members-only Strategy Implementing RevOps as the first hire Oscar, VP Global RevOps at Beeline, discusses his experience and learnings from being the first revenue operations hire....
Members-only Strategy Once upon a time: Storytelling in revenue operations Jordan Shaheen breaks down the key steps to building a narrative and story around RevOps initiatives and the power this brings....
Members-only Careers What does a revenue operations analyst do? And how much are they paid? Discover the roles and responsibilities of a Revenue Operations Analyst and how much they earn....
Members-only AI & automation What is revenue intelligence? Your comprehensive guide Revenue intelligence is a powerful data analytics tool in your revenue operations tech stack. Discover how to make the most of its AI capabilities....
Members-only Strategy The role of RevOps in navigating M&A integrations RevOps has a place at the table in merger and acquisition integrations. Jayesh explains why RevOps is vital in ensuring alignment and great CX....
Members-only Careers Key insights into the revenue operations job market Discover what the revenue operations job market is really like, from those working in it. From work-life balance to diversity, discover expert insight....
Members-only Careers What is a revenue operations manager’s salary? In this article we breakdown the average salary for a Revenue Operations Manager, based on our recent research. Discover if you're being paid fairly....